Airing on Channel31 and online, artsbusTV is a community arts TV series that showcases creativity from the emerging generation. Facilitated by the Artists for Kids Culture artsbus team, the twelve episodes feature young hosts, actors and directors across Victoria aged 10 – 17 years old.
This arts project is a vehicle for kids, teens and youth to:
The episodes stitch together segments that are directed by and starring kids and youth:
Interviews and ‘kitchen table’ conversations
“How to” demonstrations
Vox Pops with the general public
Tours of local places
Showcasing of art, music, and film by kids and teens
AKC welcomes young people (aged 18 – 25 years old) and skilled volunteers to express interest in being mentors for the project. To express interest in being a volunteer or mentor, please complete the form below:
Artists for Kids Culture offer free and inclusive arts programs for children aged 5 – 17 years old, made possible by the support of volunteers, donors, sponsors, and funding bodies. Thank you to artsbusTV’s major funding partner, RM Ansett Trust.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which we work and live, and recognise their continued connections to country, culture, and community. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.
Phone: 0466 983 028
Mail: PO Box 387, BALACLAVA, VIC, 3183
Office: 8 Martin St, St Kilda, VIC, 3182